Discover our collection of made-to-measure T-shirts in the luxurious blend of 60% Mulberry Silk and 40% Organic Cotton. Crafted from 2/115,000 jersey by the Italian weaving mill Maglificio Maggia, they offer an extraordinarily soft handfeel and a semi-matte appearance. The freshness of cotton and the luminosity of silk evoke the summer atmospheres of remote islands and the relaxed spirit of our collections.
We are a team obsessed with innovation at the service of the end customer. Development of new custom models, improvements in fitting, research and selection of quality raw materials with low environmental impact are the main guidelines for the change we feel we are promoting.
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Note: Elimination of this size profile, will not prevent the processing of any previous orders with this size.
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MEASURES INSTRUCTIONS - ${changeCase(activeName)}
1. Select Size and Height
Select your ready-to-wear size and your height to start the customizations
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