Filatori offers personalized and made-to-measure products and does not provide free returns. However, every Filatori customer is covered by the "Best Fit" guarantee. The guarantee can be activated only once for each product category available in the catalog (e.g., T-shirts, knitwear), and differently for each category, in the following three cases:
Filatori cannot assume any responsibility for the correctness of the measurements entered by the customer on the store during the ordering phase.
Claims for sweat stains or discoloration are not covered by the "Best Fit" guarantee.
The "Best Fit" guarantee for the T-Shirt/knitwear product category consists of free replacement of the garment, as well as updating the customer's measurement profile on the store to ensure maximum consistency in future orders.
Any subsequent replacements after activating the "Best Fit" guarantee for the same product category are at the complete discretion of the Filatori team.
If a customer has already used the guarantee for the product category in question and wishes to make further changes to their measurement profile on the store for future purchases, they are invited to contact Filatori's customer service by sending an email to to be assisted for free by one of their style advisors and guided through the procedure.
To be eligible for activation of the "Best Fit" guarantee for the T-Shirt/knitwear product category, the customer must contact Filatori's customer service within 15 days of receiving the order, either through the dedicated "Best Fit" section in their personal account or by sending an email to, stating their name, surname, order number, and the text "BEST FIT GUARANTEE" in the email subject line.
The customer will be asked to measure and/or wear the ordered garment and to share this information with Filatori's support team through appropriate documentation (e.g., photos).
Filatori's support team will provide the customer with an email response regarding the activation or non-activation of the "Best Fit" guarantee within 7 days of receiving the customer's email requesting activation. If the outcome is positive, one of Filatori's style advisors will update the customer's measurement profile on the store after making the necessary corrections.
Within 7 days of receiving confirmation of "Best Fit" guarantee activation, the customer must send the defective garment (complete with tag) to the following address:
Le Blu s.r.l. Unipersonale
Via degli artigiani n.9 80040 san Sebastiano al Vesuvio (NA)
Please note that the customer is responsible for the shipping costs for returning the garment. It is recommended to use a courier that allows tracking and confirmation of the delivery of the items through the respective computer systems.